Buddha’s Dhamma Unveiled

4.5 out of 5

This product description introduces a book titled “Siddharth Gautama – How a Bodhisatta became the Buddha” that aims to provide a clear and consistent statement of the life and teachings of the Buddha. The author acknowledges the growing interest in Buddhism in India and the need for a comprehensive understanding of the Buddha’s life and teachings. The book addresses the challenges in presenting a coherent narrative and interpretation of the Buddha’s life, particularly the reasons behind his decision to embark on a spiritual journey (Parivraja). The book is divided into nine sections that cover topics such as Siddhartha Gautama’s transformation into the Buddha, his campaign of conversion, his teachings, the Sangh (Buddhist community), and his contemporaries. The book is published by Maven Books and is written in English, with 378 pages. The ISBN-10 is 9388191919, and the ISBN-13 is 978-9388191913. The paperback version weighs 435 grams and has dimensions of 13.97 x 2.41 x 21.59 cm.

Original price was: ₹695.00.Current price is: ₹350.00.

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