Buddha’s Path to Deliverance Explained

5 out of 5

This product is a classic anthology that explores the spiritual development as prescribed in the ancient Buddhist texts. It draws upon the Buddha’s own words from the Sutta Pitaka and is organized based on two overlapping schemes of practice: the threefold training in virtue, concentration, and wisdom, and the seven stages of purification. The anthology includes a lengthy chapter on concentration, providing sutta sources for 40 classical subjects of meditation, and a chapter on wisdom that cites texts related to insight development. This paperback edition has 216 pages and is published by BPS Pariyatti Editions. Its ISBN is 978-1681723433 and it weighs 213g with dimensions of 12.85 x 1.24 x 19.84 cm.

Original price was: ₹1,398.00.Current price is: ₹449.00.

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